Figurile reprezentative

Acestea sunt cateva dintre papusile facute de mine, imbracate in costumul popular romanesc din zona Moldovei . Unele le-am realizat complet, inclusiv corpul. Celelalte doua sunt "salvate" de la copiii mei.
These are some of the dolls I made. They wear a traditional Romanian costume from my county.This is also made by me. To some of the dolls I also made the body, other are just recycled from my girls.

Acestea sunt cateva dintre papusile facute de mine, imbracate in costumul popular romanesc din zona Moldovei . Unele le-am realizat complet, inclusiv corpul. Celelalte doua sunt "salvate" de la copiii mei.
These are some of the dolls I made. They wear a traditional Romanian costume from my county.This is also made by me. To some of the dolls I also made the body, other are just recycled from my girls.