26 ianuarie, 2009

In asteptarea primaverii...

Este inca iarna !
In acest timp ne gindim la urmatorul anotimp *primavara*.
Traditia romaneasca spune ca acest anotimp vine cu primul ghiocel si martisorul.
Eu si alti artisti si mesteri priceputi cautam mereu sa pastram inca vie aceasta traditie , acel snur rasucit dintr-un fir alb si unul rosu, cu sau fara vreo figurina, legat la manuta unui copilas sau purtat la pieptul oricarei persoane da un sentiment de bucurie la sosirea unui nou anotimp.
Daca am imprumutat din strainatate sarbatori ca sf.Valentin sau Halloween de ce sa nu ne pastram vii sarbatorile si traditiile noastre; cred ca pe Dragobetele nostru unii l-au cam uitat.
Chiar aici puteti vedea colectia mea de martisoare care se innoieste in fiecare an .

On 1st March in Romania there is the tradition of Martisor. The tradition’s name is the diminutive of March (in Romanian: Martie). We offer each other a talisman object also called Mărţişor tied to a red and white string. The talisman is a small object like a flower,a jewel,a heart or any other symbol . The red thread represents the Spring and the white on is the Winter. Also it is said to represent the love and life.
It is a Romanian tradition and we try to keep it alive and to be celebrated with the new imported Valentines Day.
Here it is some of the small talismans offered for Martisor made by me.The collection gets new with every year.

12 ianuarie, 2009

gentute/ bags

Cateva modele de gentute lucrate in diferite tehnici:
Some of the bags i made using different techniques :

model 1 : noduri/knots

model 2: noduri si margele din lemn/
knots and wood beads

model 3 : noduri , doua culori/
knots, different colours

model 4 : panza de sac si noduri/
canvas and knots

model 5: tricotate/

model 6: crosetate/crocheted